THE Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) will from Thursday next week start subjecting all vehicles entering the country from Asia, the Middle East and the United Kingdom to Road Worthy Inspection (RWI) and certification.

All the vehicles from those bases entering Zambia without any accompanying RWI certificate will be subject to a penalty of 15 per cent of the value of cost, insurance and freight and inspection upon arrival.
Speaking in an interview in Lusaka yesterday, ZABS inspections manager, Nteema Muzandu said the measure was meant to protect the public from importing unsafe and unroad worthy vehicles.
Mr Muzandu said the measure would be effected on all vehicles ordered after May 14 2009 from Japan, Singapore, UK and United Arab Emirates.
He said the inspection will be done on vehicles ordered after the May 14 and the inspection would be done in the country of origin.
“The inspection will be done from the country of origin, and when the vehicle arrives in Zambia, an RWI certificate will be demanded from the importer,” he said.
The Japan Export Vehicle Inspection Centre (JEVIC) has been contracted to do the inspection from the countries of origin and issue the RWI certificates.
“JEVIC is the agent contracted to inspect the vehicle on our behalf, this is what will help in importation of road worthy vehicles and protect the public from unsafe cars,” Mr Muzandu said.
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